The Sacco got registered by the Ministry of Cooperatives on 25/6/1987, Registration number CS4918. It opened banking services in Maua Town in 1991 at its own building identified as Meru North Farmers Sacco Building currently Dhabiti Sacco Building after the Sacco Rebranded. The Sacco was founded by then Coffee farmers from Igembe Cooperative Society, Tigania Cooperative Society and Miathene Cooperative Society. The total membership by then was over 40,000 coffee farmers from the entire Nyambene Region
The Sacco opened its common bond in the period 1996 after the Coffee sector declined in performance. Members was invited from the Tea Sector, Civil Service and Institutions. Becoming a member requires one to have an entrance fee of Ksh500/=, Membership shares of Ksh1,000 and maintain an active account. To keep abreast with the financial market and remain competitive, the Sacco changed its name from Meru North Farmers Sacco to Dhabiti Sacco Ltd in the year 2012 and this bold move has really yielded positive fruits in its operations.The Sacco is licensed by the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority with the current License number SS/0096/16 which authorizes the Sacco to collect deposits from members and disburse loans to them within the Regulators prudential guidelines...... Read more

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When you were young, a savings account taught you a valuable lesson. Now, you want one with a good interest rate. We've compiled great benefits to help you. We have a range of different savings accounts to suit …

Loan Products
Wherever you are in life — starting a family, relocating, reintegrating, needing transportation, or taking a vacation — Dhabiti Sacco has the right loan for you. And now, applying for a loan is easier than ever using our Online Loan …

Advance Products
The Society shall advance loans to its registered members who have been with the Sacco and have been making monthly contribution for a period not less than 6 months. The loan period with range from one (1) month to 60 months. The minimum …
We made a difference
Janet Karimi Mugambi is a Teacher at Kaliene Secondary School in Tigania East Constituency. She opened an account at Dhabiti Sacco Mikinduri Branch five years ago after realizing that her former Bank was not addressing her financial challenges especially meeting the Fees for her education. In Dhabiti she acquired a Loan of Ksh30,000 which she used to pay for her Diploma Course. She has been getting financial assistance there on and now is proudly going to be a Degree holder from KEMU courtesy of Dhabiti Sacco. Karimi confidently says that if it were not for Dhabiti Sacco she would not have realized her career dreams. She has also vowed to be the ambassador in crusading Dhabiti Sacco to others especially those challenged by School Fees
Janet Karimi Mugambi, Teacher at Kaliene Secondary School
I am a great supporter of my Sacco Dhabiti Sacco and all my business proceeds are channeled through this great Sacco. Says Mr. Rafus Miriti the Director of Josirenes Schools. Through my accounts I have managed getting facilities of diverse levels that I have used to better my businesses. I highly value the Sacco and recommend it to any willing investor. Keep up the good work and lets build our community and nation.
Mr. Rafus Miriti, Director of Josirenes Schools
I started my business in the year 2006. I supply poultry products ranging from chicks and eggs. My business has experienced a number of challenges majorly due to lack of finances. Getting a financial boost from other lenders was a serious challenge. All these came to an end after learning about Dhabiti Sacco. I took my first loan of ksh150,000 from Dhabiti Sacco Laare Branch which I used to upgrade the poultry house / habitat and stock the products. Today I am a happy supplier in Laare Market and the Surrounding. My objective is to expand my business outside Laare region and I am fully convinced this will be achieved through Dhabiti Sacco. Says Gatune Ridhaa a jovial and very confident member of Dhabiti Sacco Laare Branch
Gatune Ridhaa, Business Man
Mungathia Morris is a re-known Tea farmer from Michimikuru Tea Factory. I got my first loan of Ksh120,000 from Dhabiti Sacco and used it to buy a land in which I planted Tea bushes. My harvest which is channeled through Dhabiti Sacco Maua Branch has enabled me acquire subsequent loans which I have been using to buy more land and plant more tea bushes. I currently have over three acres of tea bushes today with very impressive production record. I was lately given a Loan of Ksh1,400,000.00 that I bought a second hand Matatu which has enabled me expand my sources of income. The day’s collections are also banked directly in my business account with Dhabiti Sacco through their Paybill number 524200. I truly encourage people to try the services at Dhabiti Sacco and they will have no regrets whatsoever
Mungathia Morris, Tea Farmer
All this came to an end after being introduced to Dhabiti Sacco Limited by a friend of mine. I took my 1st loan of ksh 30,000 which I used to boost my Mpesa business and mobile phone accessories at Kianjai Market, says Faith Makena from Kianjai Tigania West Constituency. I again took another loan of a similar amount, used it to re- stock and paid the loan within one month. I have never stopped borrowing from Dhabiti Sacco whenever am in need of money. I intend to borrow Ksh300,000 once I am through with my current facility and I am convinced that my business will never fail since Dhabiti Sacco are so supportive.
Faith Makena, Mpesa Agent